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Municipal Eidgah

Meherpur Sadar


It is located in Meherpur district headquarters. Rickshaws / vans can be reached from Meherpur bus terminal.


Summary: Meherpur Municipality is constructing a lovely Eidgah on its own land at a cost of Rs. 56,00,000 / -. The water fountain and the ornamental flower garden in the Eidgah premises have created a beautiful scene. The water fountain has been given a unique look through various colored illuminations. The main Eid Jamaat of Meherpur was held at this Eidgah. Meherpur Municipal Eidgah is an attractive tourist spot in terms of beauty.

Accommodation: Meherpur District Headquarters has accommodation at Circuit House, Municipal Hall, Fintower Residential Hotel, Mita Residential Hotel, Kamal Residential Hotel.