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Siddheswari Kali Temple



It is located in Meherpur district headquarters. Rickshaws / vans can be reached from the bus terminal.




Overview: The Siddheshwari Kali Temple located in the big market of Meherpur town is considered as the central temple of the local Hindu Rajela. Bala Devi Vigraha has been established inside the temple. During the war of liberation in 1971, the Pakistani aggressors and their accomplices attacked the temple and demolished the Bali idol inside it. After independence, the local Hindus re-established the idol and started regular worship. Kali Puja, Durga Puja and Saraswati Puja are held here every year. In the last Sankranti of the month of Baishakh, the fair of Baishakh Sankranti is held around this temple.

Accommodation: Meherpur District Headquarters has accommodation at Circuit House, Municipal Hall, Fintair Residential Hotel, Mita Residential Hotel, Kamal Residential Hotel.