Mujibnagar, Meherpur
The distance from Meherpur district headquarters to Amrakanan by road is 16 km. The historic Amrakan can be reached in 30 minutes by bus, local vehicle Tempo / Lachhimon / Karimon. Travel fare: Bus fare from Meherpur Sadar is 25-30 taka.
Overview: Mujibnagar is historically a very important place for the swearing in of the first provisional government of Bangladesh. A memorial has been erected at the site of the swearing-in to commemorate the swearing-in.
In order to make this historically important place more significant, a map has been shown in the complex to show the different sectors of the Liberation War. This complex has a mural commemorating the events of the Liberation War. Overall, the Mujibnagar Memorial, the Liberation War Memorial Complex, the historic Amrakanan, the six-step rose garden representing the historical six-point metaphor deserves to be considered as a living display of the liberation war in Bangladesh.
Inside the Liberation War Memorial Complex, sculptures of some historical events during the Liberation War have been placed. On the outside of the memorial complex are sculptures of more historic events, including Bangabandhu's historic March 7th speech, the swearing in of the Mujibnagar government and the surrender of Pakistani forces. Here are some of the sculptures. These sculptures, which are associated with the memory of the liberation war, will attract any witty tourist.
The map has been placed in the main courtyard inside the Liberation War Memorial Complex by showing the location of different sectors of Bangladesh during the Liberation War. This lovely map is a documentary about the location of various sectors and significant events during the Liberation War.
Accommodation: Mujibnagar Liberation War Memorial Complex has accommodation facilities in the hotel of Bangladesh Tourism Corporation. Besides, there are 3 VIP rooms in the post bungalow set up by the district council. Accommodation is available at Circuit House, Municipal Hall and Fintower and other residential hotels in Meherpur district headquarters.
Planning and Implementation: Cabinet Division, A2I, BCC, DoICT and BASIS